We help support an indigenous gospel movement in China
There is a tremendous need for the gospel in China.
Yet the doors are closing for the West: in the coming years, it will be increasingly difficult for Western churches and mission organizations to operate in China. How can we in the West, alongside the rest of the global church, continue to support the spread of the gospel?
It’s time for a change in missions.
Rather than focusing on the individual callings of missionaries, China Partnership believes in focusing on the establishment of the local church. When the gospel breaks through into the hearts of people, local leaders take ownership as they experience renewed theological vision of the gospel, the community, and the city. We desire to listen first, ask more questions, and assist local leadership accordingly.
By offering resources, cultivating prayer, and helping publish the voice and theology of the Chinese house church for the world, our goal is to help see the gospel go deeper and wider in China.
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We depend on our partners to help us support the indigenous Chinese church. Would you consider coming alongside us?