Praying for International Students: A Season for Deep Relationships

As believers, we are under the rule of a good and perfect King who stands ready to welcome them international students into his glorious kingdom. The way we interact with Chinese students and scholars may look different, but our responsibility and privilege to invite them to follow Jesus remains.
Praying for International Students: Welcoming Students During a Pandemic

The Church has an opportunity to shine with the hope of Jesus Christ in the darkness of this global pandemic. While we may not have as many students coming this academic year, we still have many international students from all over the world in our communities. They are looking for hope, for fellowship, for relationships, and for rest.
Praying for Hong Kong: Following Jesus to Finish His Mission

My prayer is that God will motivate and mobilize Hong Kong people as a diaspora with the mission of God. Whether they are staying in Hong Kong to be faithful witnesses, or leaving the city for the kingdom of God, they will be following Jesus, as his disciples, to finish his mission.
Praying for Hong Kong: Do You Remember, Lord?

We all have things to think and worry about. But when I think of God, I feel comforted, because he will not leave us alone. Lord, you know the road ahead of me, and I am willing to put my hands into yours. When I go through painful trials, grant me this pleasant thought: that you do remember me!
Praying for Hong Kong: For Unity & Against Idolatry

Freedom: when it is wanted more than our Lord, it becomes an idol.
Money: when it is worshipped more than our Lord, it becomes an idol.
Housing security: when it takes offerings from our Lord, it becomes an idol.
Education: when the Lord is not taught in it, it becomes our idol.
Praying for Hong Kong: Lasting Hope for this Great City

As some of the extravagance and shine of Hong Kong has been exposed as fallacious, I pray that the unparalleled beauty of the church – those who have been rescued and redeemed by the Lamb and are determined to live for his glory – will stand out in this city, being an incarnational signpost to the hope of Jesus for all of Hong Kong.
Praying for Hong Kong: A Profile of Hong Kong

COVID wears a crown. It’s a wannabe king. It has the power to make people fear it, to have it rule over their lives. However, we Christians have a far greater King. The only true God, who reigns over all the earth. Over every country, every person, and every cell. We can take our worries and concerns about the future to our gracious Savior and King, who knows us intimately and provides for us perfectly.
May Your Ministers Be Burning and Shining Lights

We pray that you would make the ministers of the Chinese church burning and shining lights. Shining, because they have a light of truth; burning, because they have passion for the truth. Do not let their doctrine get ahead of their experience, or their experience get ahead of their doctrine.
Praying as the Lord Teaches – Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven

Jesus rules heaven and earth. But you know what? He is not selfish, and he shares his rule with you.
“May They Meet the God of Hope in Their Despair”: A Special Prayer for Covid-19

Lord, “relent of the disaster you have spoken.” Bring an end to this epidemic soon. Lord, have you not used this epidemic to strike and besiege us so you might manifest your power and bring salvation? Please be gracious to Hubei and to China, and bless many through this disaster. As they reach their end, as they enter the valley of the shadow of death, may they meet the God of hope in their despair, and come to know the Lord of life in the darkness of death.