As the gospel movement in China has grown, so has the need (and desire) for training, equipping, and ministering to women in the church. At China Partnership, we recognize the importance of this work, and are pleased to share the voices of Chinese women as they speak about their hopes, struggles, ministry success and failure, home life, and work. We hope you will join us in learning from, praying for, and loving our Chinese sisters.
Our Chinese Sisters
“My life is incomparably richer for knowing my Chinese sisters. I want you to know them, too.” Our Blog Editor, EF Gregory, writes about why it’s so important to learn from, pray for, and love our Chinese sisters in Christ.
Contemporary Issues for Chinese Women
A Chinese diaspora missionary who served for two decades with her family in China speaks on the issues Chinese women face as they strive to follow Christ.
Interview with a Pastor’s Wife
A pastor’s wife from Shanghai speaks on the challenges of ministry, church discipleship, relationships with other women, and the idols of Chinese society.
Connecting the Gospel to Life
How does theology connect with real life, especially in matters like depression, abuse, or anxiety? Read an interview with a Chinese Christian counselor on this important question.
Single Mothers: The “Invisible Group” of Chinese Society
A scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Sociology explains the difficulty that China’s current social policies pose for women who choose to give birth and raise their children as single mothers.
Interview with a Ministry Leader
A Chinese ministry leader speaks on the challenges of leadership, discipleship, and her church context, and how her ministry work impacts her as a wife and a mother.