As the gospel movement has spread in China, there is a growing hunger for biblical and theological depth. This hunger is not rooted in a desire for more “head knowledge” alone, but rather for continued growth in the rich gospel of grace. There is a great need for the production and translation of more gospel-centered resources, and for gifted trainers to be raised up who are theologically competent and whose lives model Christlike character.
Would you like to help resource the house church in China with theological education? Consider giving to the work of China Partnership or joining us in prayer. Pray for:
More gospel-centered training
More sound theological resources
More gifted trainers to be raised up
More “heart knowledge,” not just “head knowledge”
House Church Seminaries in Mainland China
A leader in the field of theological education within China speaks on how the internet will change long-established, worldwide patterns, and how the Chinese house church may be one of the first to embrace and experience this revolution.
Contextual Theology
As the church in China grows, she not only gleans from the centuries of theology done before she arrived on the scene; she has something particular to add to the conversation.
Studying Theology Overseas: A Word of Warning
Should Chinese believers leave China to seek seminary education elsewhere? This author, who came to the U.S. for seminary studies, issues a strong word of warning to other Chinese students
Theological Education Within the Chinese Environment?
After visiting ten seminaries in the US, a Chinese pastor writes his reflections on how theological education can best take place within China.
With the Future in Mind
China Partnership’s own Hannah Nation writes about what theological education is already taking place in China.