Pray for china

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People Praying for China

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Why should we pray for China?

Prayer is one of the most important ways we can serve the church in China. When we pray for them, we are not just speaking words: we are interceding for them before the throne of the king himself. 

Since 2017, we have been raising up a prayer movement of people who are willing to pray for China daily and weekly. As persecution and pressure increases, would you join us in praying for the church in China? 

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Pray for Cities in China 2025

There’s something wonderful about China’s cities. They have grown so fast that they are filled with a feeling of newness and possibility, superimposed over a sense of the ancient. Indeed, China has urbanized very quickly: in the 1980’s, only 20% of China’s population lived in cities. By 2018, that number had grown to 60%.

The key to reaching China for the gospel lies in reaching its cities. That’s why, for our prayer ministry focus this year, we are going to devote ourselves to praying for specific cities in China. We have done this before, back in 2017-2019. Since then, much has changed. In the aftermath of a global pandemic, increased persecution, and economic downturn, we want to revisit China’s cities and re-learn how we can pray for them.

We believe God is doing a great work in cities in China. Will you join us as we pray for Chinese cities this year?

2025 Prayer Calendar