Misconceptions About Discipleship: Part Two

Editor’s note: In 2022, a Chinese pastor wrote this letter to his congregation, encouraging them to take discipleship seriously, both in their own lives and in the life of the church. The article was first published in Chinese on the Grace to City website. Today, we are publishing the second half of this letter, after […]
Christ’s Incomparable Power: Thy Kingdom Come

Only the truth of God’s word can produce heart change and soul revolution. Threats of the sword cannot produce permanent, fundamental change. The early Christian church did not have courage because they possessed the sword’s power. They were courageous because they saw God’s promise to Israel fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus.
The Word Over the Sword: Thy Kingdom Come

Paul was bound for the sake of Christ, not because of the trickery of the Jewish people or the religious policies of Rome. In the face of the sword’s power, Paul focused on the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one on whom Israel was counting. When the church faces the power of the sword, she must also focus only on the Savior.
A Clash of Swords and Words: Thy Kingdom Come

What is the secret to church victory? An important secret lies in whether you and I dare connect our church and personal life goals to the end of life, and the purpose God has designed for us. Do we trust the reality that Jesus, who is risen from the dead, reigns in heaven?
Death and Resurrection: The Church Must Walk the Way of the Cross

In China, in the Cultural Revolution, people thought all churches were eradicated, but they did not know the Cultural Revolution eradicated superstition and faith in Communism. In the 1980s, our hearts were empty, and the church was revived — from 800,000 believers, to tens of millions. Over and over again, the church has risen.
Prophet, Priest, and King: The Church Must Walk the Way of the Cross

The two witnesses represent prophet, priest, and king. The prophet teaches, worships, and trains disciples in the truth. The priest guards the holiness, love, and beauty of this living community. And the king fulfills the mission God has entrusted to us, to serve and love this world.
We Will Be Protected: The Church Must Walk the Way of the Cross

Although Gentiles and the world will attack, God will protect his church. While our souls and our hearts will be protected to the end, this does not mean our flesh will be comfortable. We will be persecuted.
What They Believe About Jesus: An Interview on Faithful Disobedience

Understanding how they see and understand Jesus is more important than holding up and pointing to the amazing and remarkable things about their lives. To me, the interesting question about their lives is what they believe about Jesus that allows them to remain faithful.
It Challenges My American Expectations: An Interview on Faithful Disobedience

The Christian’s call to walk with Christ involves a call to suffer with Christ, and we can expect that in our lives…. It was helpful to not just be engaging abstract theology, but also to watch their living testimony as my brothers and sisters count the cost with joy and faithful perseverance. They daily remind me of this aspect of discipleship and following in Christ’s footsteps.
Night Is Far Gone: A Letter to the Class of 2022

From the time Jesus Christ opened the door of salvation, to the time he will return to announce the end of redemptive history, every generation of Christians lives in the age of “the present time.” The present time is an age of “deep night.”…Right now, we are still in a long, deep night before the morning light dawns and completely illuminates the world.