City of God on Earth

Editor’s note: Since we are praying for cities across China in 2024, we thought we would begin the year by re-posting an excerpt from a sermon on Psalm 46 preached in 2014 by Wang Yi, a Chengdu pastor. In this section, he challenged fellow pastors and church members to view the gospel as the coming […]
Living in Reverse: Discipleship in View of the End

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a 2018 message shared at a gathering of house church pastors in China. This is the final part of a multi-part series focusing on discipleship from the point of view of the end times. Here are links to parts one, two, and three. As Christians, we live in […]
The Victorious Last Adam: Discipleship in View of the End

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a 2018 message shared at a gathering of house church pastors in China. This is the third part of a multi-part series focusing on discipleship from the point of view of the end times. Here are links to parts one and two. Jesus is the perfected final Adam. […]
The New Jerusalem, Humanity Perfected: Discipleship in View of the End

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a 2018 message shared at a gathering of house church pastors in China. This is the second part of a multi-part series, all of which focus on discipleship through an eschatological lens. When God made humans, he made us to live in perfect relationship with him, following him […]
Building a Biblical Church: The Deepening Stage

Editor’s note: What is the church? How can a church be governed by the Bible? These are questions that Christians have struggled with for more than two millennia, and as the Chinese church continues to mature, Chinese believers are also facing these difficult and important questions. In the final part of this series, Pastor Wu […]
To Be Human Is to Follow God: Discipleship in View of the End

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a 2018 message shared at a gathering of house church pastors in China. This is the first-part of a multi-part series, all of which focus on discipleship through an eschatological lens. Discipleship is not something that follows after an individual believes in Christ; instead, discipleship is God’s goal […]
Building a Biblical Church: The Institution Is Not the Goal

Editor’s note: What is the church? How can a church be governed by the Bible? These are questions Christians have struggled with for more than two millennia. As the Chinese church continues to mature, Chinese believers are also facing these difficult and important questions. Pastor Wu Jing continues this series, fleshing out why and how […]
Reflections from Jail

Editor’s note: Elder Hu Guang was detained a few years ago on charges of fraud. While in jail, he wrote this devotional. His wife later shared it on Weibo, along with a request for prayer that Hu will remain healthy and his faith will stay strong. This translated devotional has been lightly edited, and some […]
Building a Biblical Church: Our Challenges

Editor’s note: What is the church? How can a church be governed by the Bible? These are questions that Christians have struggled with for more than two millennia, and as the Chinese church continues to mature, Chinese believers are also facing these difficult and important questions. Wu Jing shares how he and his young church […]
Out of Blows, Knowledge Grows

Editor’s note: There is a Chinese proverb which says you cannot come to know another person without fighting with them; “out of blows, knowledge grows.” (In Chinese, this is “不打不相识,” or “Bu da, bu xiang shi.”) Tan Jian is a Chinese preacher who is well-accustomed to “blows” for the sake of Christ. In this short […]