Shanghai: To Run or Not?

Editor’s note: As we continue to pray for Shanghai, we wanted to re-run one more earlier post. This post tackles a subject that many Chinese, and especially many Shanghainese, are seriously considering. Over the last several years, many Christians have begun to consider leaving China and making a life elsewhere. One Shanghai pastor who observed […]
Christian Education: Jesus and Chinese Culture

Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part interview series in which we spoke with a Chinese educator involved in establishing a Christian school outside of China. (Part one can be found here.) This educator believes there is a lot of common grace in Chinese culture, but that Jesus is the solution to problems […]
Shanghai: All Rivers Flow to the Same Sea

Editor’s note: This May, we are praying for Shanghai. Shanghai is one of the world’s most affluent and cosmopolitan cities, and is an important center of business and commerce in China and across the globe. The mega-city has about 29 million residents, making it one of the world’s biggest cities. Today, we hear from four […]
Qingdao: How to Pray

Editor’s note: This April, we are praying for Qingdao. Qingdao is a city of about 9 million, and is a well-known tourist spot and important seaport in northern China. To help us pray for their city, several Qingdao pastors shared some of their thoughts on the people and culture of Qingdao, as well as the […]
Qingdao: Locals and Outsiders

Editor’s note: This April, we are praying for Qingdao. Qingdao is a city of about 9 million, and is a well-known tourist spot and important seaport in northern China. To help us pray for their city, several Qingdao pastors shared some of their thoughts on the people and culture of Qingdao, as well as the […]
Qingdao: Good Soil for the Gospel

Editor’s note: This April, we are praying for Qingdao. Qingdao is a city of about 9 million, and is a well-known tourist spot and important seaport in northern China. To help us pray for their city, several Qingdao pastors shared some of their thoughts on the people and culture of Qingdao, as well as the […]
Qingdao: Managing Rapid Growth

Editor’s note: This April, we are praying for the city of Qingdao, a major Chinese seaport and important cultural center just across the Yellow Sea from South Korea. The city, in eastern Shandong Province, is a popular tourist destination. This interview with a Qingdao pastor was originally published in 2019. Pastor Zhu shares about how […]
Shenyang in a Word: Worry

Editor’s note: This year, we are praying for cities across China. In February, we are praying for Shenyang. With a population of more than 8 million, Shenyang is the largest city in northeastern China, and an important industrial center for the whole country. To help us pray, a group of pastors shares some of their […]
Shenyang: Northeastern Cultural Center

Editor’s note: In February, we are praying for Shenyang. With a population of more than 8 million, Shenyang is the largest city in northeastern China, and an important industrial center for the whole country. To help us pray, a group of pastors shares some of their observations about Shenyang’s people and culture, and speak about […]
Obstacles to Belief: Interview with Shenyang Academics

Editor’s note: This interview with two Shenyang believers was originally published in 2019. Brother Li and Sister Cai are lay leaders in their church, which is made up of busy graduate students at one of Shenyang’s prestigious science institutes. In this second part of the interview, Li and Cai talked about some of the obstacles […]