Prayer is the Most Incredible Thing in this World

CP: If you could give other Chinese Christian friends a message about prayer, what would you say?
He: I would say two things. First, prayer is the most incredible thing in this world. It is amazing that the king of kings would be willing to hear the cry of such a small person like me. And secondly, there is no one in greater debt to God and to their neighbors than a Christian who does not pray.
God loves us, and we love you!: Loving the City that Hates You, Part 2

It is not that we make the world our enemies, but that the world unreasonably hates Christ. Because the world hates Christ, it unreasonably hates those who believe in him. What is more, the world does not believe in love that has no explainable cause.
The officials’ request is simple: give up our faith, or flee the city. Once, out of curiosity, those who arrested us asked: “Why did you not leave the city as quickly as possible once you were released?” We replied: “Because God loves us, and we love you!”
A City of Living Souls: Loving the City that Hates You, Part 1

Before I was converted, I looked at a city and to me, the buildings were nothing but concrete and steel. It is only since I have become a follower of Jesus Christ that I have seen this place as a city of living souls. In the past, I never cared about who became the mayor. But since I have started praying for the city regularly, I began to genuinely care about the officials of the city. I started to pray that their souls would come to Christ. I also began to pray for their marriages and families and children. To me, it was a new spiritual understanding when I realized that the decisions these leaders must make will either bless or harm the city—so the pressure they face and the risks they bear are far greater than those of us who are not in their positions.
Making Disciples Through Prayer

Christians learn to pray by praying. Right now, urban Chinese Christians are prioritizing this vertical communication with their Heavenly Father. In the midst of uncertainty, these believers have great hopes for what God will continue to do as he builds his Kingdom on earth.
“As we pray together with King Jesus,” said Wu Enhui, “the Lord’s church will be strengthened, and all the disturbances and attacks of evil will be nullified. The gospel will be preached widely, disciples will be built up, and we will become leaders in prayer to carry out the Great Commission.”
Pray for China

Our goal is not just to get “more” prayer; our desire is a different kind of prayer, prayer that is informed by the challenges and triumphs Chinese Christians actually face. Prayer is spiritual labor in which every believer—those who are themselves Chinese and those who have never visited China—can be intimately involved…Prayer helps us love God’s world. As a pastor’s wife in Nanjing said, “Prayer helps us see from the Lord how he loves not only one nation, but he wants us to love the neighbor far away.”
Puritans and House Church Christians: Translation to Make the True God Truly Known

Valley of Vision directs people to a theologically sound knowledge of God and his work, and that knowledge is the basis for right feelings and right doings. This devotional work is balanced in motivating people in these three categories: right thinking, right feeling, and right doing…I hope this work will first edify Chinese pastors and workers, then they can use this book to influence their congregations. I hope this book will help Chinese Christians know God better, love God more deeply, and follow God forever.
Gospel Renewal: Matchless Grace

What is gospel renewal? It is good news grown afresh in the soil of the spirit. It is the work of Jesus hitting the heart. It is freedom by grace, and love apart from achievement. It is roots that stretch deep and hold tight through the fiercest storms. Gospel renewal begins as a fresh and individual realization that God’s love and acceptance is yours in totality. Of course, although gospel renewal begins as personal transformation, by definition it does not stop there, but grows into communal revival for the church, the body and bride of Christ and the manifestation in our world of God’s eternal kingdom. Gospel renewal is entire communities of believers who, together, cling to Jesus.
Going Wider: Praying for the Gospel to Spread in China

As we pray for ministry in China this year, will you join us in praying that the gospel would go wider? Pray that the church in China would be deeply-rooted in the person of Jesus, and that these deep roots would lead to great fruit. Pray that more churches would be planted and that the lost would be found. Pray that, even in this season of darkness, the church would shine as a light in this dark world, boldly proclaiming that Jesus Christ is our king!
Going Deeper: Praying For Gospel Depth in China’s Churches

As we pray for ministry in China this year, will you join us in praying that the gospel would go deeper? Pray that the church in China will not be a plant that grows quickly and then withers. Rather, pray that its roots continue to go deep into the soil of the gospel. Then, though the wind and rain may buffet it, it will never be destroyed: it will grow tall and strong, empowered by nothing less than Jesus Christ himself.
A Prison Letter from Brother Bo

My heart is filled with surprising peace. What have I lost in the past two years or so? I have temporarily lost time with my family, but I have not lost the love of my family; I have temporarily lost my life of freedom, but I have not lost my freedom of thought; I have temporarily lost Sunday worship, but I have not lost my faith; although I am imprisoned, there is a bigger prison outside these walls.