My Only Hope: Psalm 119:25-32

God does not remove the hurt. Instead, he allows it to awaken in my heart a longing for him. This has been especially true in these years of Covid lockdowns. In this time, the word of the Lord has become my only hope in despair and frustration.
A Person of Confidence: Psalm 119:17-24

I am no longer a woman who waits in desperation, but a person of confidence. My strength is that Christ has redeemed me, bringing healing to my flesh and refreshment to my bones.
More than the Wealth of the World: Psalm 119:9-16

We believe we cannot and should not ignore wealth, but should try to earn more so we can use it for God. Is this wrong? Our problem is not with the wealth itself, but in our spiritual priorities.
Dry Life Rejuvenated: Psalm 119:9-16

In order to bear the fruit of a free, joyful, and abundant life, the heart must be connected to the source of the living water of God’s word. I thank you, Lord, for your unfailing love. My dry life has been rejuvenated by your word.
My Life as an Expression of God’s Law: Psalm 119:1-8

A person who earnestly does God’s will not only comes to enjoy God’s word as he races on earth, but he is also able to be “unashamed” in all he does. When a man or woman follows God, their heart is continually trained to discern wisdom, and they gain the strength to judge between right and wrong with integrity and honesty.
How I Prayed for Cities

When I pray for Chinese cities, ultimately I am praying for Chinese Christians to know Christ, to be found in him, to be filled with him, and to overflow with his life-giving Spirit.
Mercy for the Persecutors: Psalm 87

We know that we ourselves have received mercy, but do we also look forward to the vision of this psalm? Do we long for the day when those who persecute us, those who accuse us without reason, and those who put us in prison also receive the mercy of God?
To Bless the City, Not Consume It

We take the things we have for granted, and a consumerist mindset leads us to complain about our city. It is easy for us to become angry at the injustice happening in our cities, and sometimes we wish to escape. But when we practice prayer walking in the city, this is all reversed. Instead of viewing our city as something to consume for ourselves, in prayer walking, we repent, revive, and bless our cities.
God Still Reigns in Power: Psalm 2

Every day the news media reports frightening stories about the “powers” in society, telling us obedience to God will bind and limit our freedom. Yet the truth is freedom can only come through service to the One who created us. God still reigns in power; in him, we find refuge from all fears.
Song of Salvation for the Humble: Psalm 113

This group of songs were probably the last psalms sung by the Lord Jesus before his suffering. This reminds us that the fulfillment of the story of the Exodus from Egypt is based on God’s nature, a nature which stoops down to and delivers the lowly.