Qingdao: Managing Rapid Growth

Editor’s note: This April, we are praying for the city of Qingdao, a major Chinese seaport and important cultural center just across the Yellow Sea from South Korea. The city, in eastern Shandong Province, is a popular tourist destination. This interview with a Qingdao pastor was originally published in 2019. Pastor Zhu shares about how […]
Obstacles to Belief: Interview with Shenyang Academics

Editor’s note: This interview with two Shenyang believers was originally published in 2019. Brother Li and Sister Cai are lay leaders in their church, which is made up of busy graduate students at one of Shenyang’s prestigious science institutes. In this second part of the interview, Li and Cai talked about some of the obstacles […]
Busy Intellectuals: Interview with Shenyang Academics

Editor’s note: This interview with two Shenyang believers was originally published in 2019. Brother Li and Sister Cai are lay leaders in their church, which is made up of busy graduate students at one of Shenyang’s prestigious science institutes. Because they minister mainly to scientific intellectuals, finding time for both evangelism and discipleship are big […]
Pray for Preachers

Editor’s note: Several years ago, we had a conversation with a Chinese house church pastor about how he evaluated the current situation of Chinese believers. Although things change rapidly in China, the issues he discusses in this two-part interview are still real issues churches face. For instance, he discusses the difficulties pastors face in supporting […]
Beijing: Unique Among China’s Cities

Editor’s note: This year, we are praying for cities across China. We begin our year by praying for Beijing, China’s capital city. To help us pray wisely and specifically, Melody, a pastor’s wife, shared with us some of the things that make her city special. She also opened up about some of the challenging situations […]
Dangers Facing the Chinese Church

Editor’s note: Several years ago, we had a conversation with a Chinese house church pastor about how he evaluated the current situation of Chinese believers. Things change rapidly in China, and recent years have particularly intensified pressure on Christians. For instance, large urban house churches like the ones he mentions still exist, but are much […]
Working Together to Reach the Nations

Editor’s note: This interview has been translated from the original Chinese. It has also been edited and condensed from the original form for clarity. Helping One Another China Partnership: Why is it important that ministries and churches around the globe collaborate together to reach people? Peter: In China right now, a huge transformation that has […]
Do We Love Them?

Editor’s note: This throwback post was written in 2016 by a Mainland Chinese pastor and his wife. The couple live in a major city, and minister primarily among young Chinese urbanites. They have served in ministry for more than 20 years. The authors reflect on how evangelism in China can no longer be based on […]
Building a Biblical Church: The Deepening Stage

Editor’s note: What is the church? How can a church be governed by the Bible? These are questions that Christians have struggled with for more than two millennia, and as the Chinese church continues to mature, Chinese believers are also facing these difficult and important questions. In the final part of this series, Pastor Wu […]
Building a Biblical Church: The Institution Is Not the Goal

Editor’s note: What is the church? How can a church be governed by the Bible? These are questions Christians have struggled with for more than two millennia. As the Chinese church continues to mature, Chinese believers are also facing these difficult and important questions. Pastor Wu Jing continues this series, fleshing out why and how […]