Chongqing: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Editor’s note: As we pray for Chongqing this August, several house church pastors told us about Chongqing, its people, and the needs they see around them. Chongqing is a mega-city in southwest China, spread over a geographical landmass the size of Austria. Many of Chongqing’s residents actually live in more rural areas, but all told, […]
Chongqing: City of Worldly Pleasure

Editor’s note: This August, we will be praying for the southwest China mega-city of Chongqing. Chongqing is a municipality the size of Austria, by some accounts the largest city in the world. It is a hot and humid mountain city, and is known for spicy “ma la” food and its famous hot pot. To introduce […]
Chengdu: We Beg You to Pray Alongside Us

Editor’s note: This July, we are praying for Chengdu, one of Western China’s most important cities. In this final portion of our series on Chengdu, several church leaders shared prayer requests for themselves and their ministries. Although there are many challenges, there is also much to be grateful for. Here are a few of the […]
Chengdu: Discipleship in Difficult Times

Editor’s note: This July, we are praying for Chengdu, one of Western China’s most important cities. In this third portion of our series, two pastors shared how their communities have been inward-looking in recent years, focusing on discipleship and building up their local church. Society has changed following the Covid pandemic, they say, and people […]
The Bridges of My City: A Suicide Epidemic

Editor’s note: In recent conversations with Chinese Christians, many have mentioned an underlying thread of hopelessness that pervades society. Online trends of “lying flat” and cries that “we are the last generation” all reflect this general attitude. Although it is difficult to find official reports on the phenomenon, many have mentioned how many suicides they […]
Why Should I Love My Enemies?: Give Up Revenge, Love Enemies

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a sermon Wang Yi, pastor of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, preached on Matthew 5:38-48 before he was imprisoned in 2018. Wang Yi argues in this excerpt that, because all people have been wronged, everyone longs for justice and even vengeance. He then explains that we ourselves […]
Why Should I Love My Enemies: Love Becomes the Object of Hate

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a sermon Wang Yi, pastor of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, preached on Matthew 5:38-48 before he was imprisoned in 2018. Here, Wang Yi says that loving those who hate you is the highest and only real form of love. He shows us that God’s love toward […]
Shanghai: Gospel Power

Editor’s note: In May, China Partnership is praying for the city of Shanghai. As we focus on the particular issues Shanghai people face, we wanted to re-run the first part of an older interview we previously published with a Shanghai pastor’s wife. In this interview, she discusses how the gospel changed her relationship with her […]
Shanghai: We Need More New Churches

Editor’s note: This May, we are praying for Shanghai. Today, we continue our conversation with five Shanghai pastors. They discuss how their city has changed over the last several years, since the beginning of the Covid pandemic and as oversight of faith in China has become more stringent. Many of the pastors referenced the difficult […]
Christian Education: Jesus and Chinese Culture

Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part interview series in which we spoke with a Chinese educator involved in establishing a Christian school outside of China. (Part one can be found here.) This educator believes there is a lot of common grace in Chinese culture, but that Jesus is the solution to problems […]