Xiamen: Beautiful, Coastal… and Expensive

Editor’s note: This December, we are finishing our year of prayer for Chinese cities by praying for Xiamen, a beautiful (and expensive!) coastal city in eastern China. Xiamen has a population of about 4 million, and has a long history as an important port city for China. It sits just across the strait from Taiwan, […]
Guangzhou: “God Has Been Gracious”

Editor’s note: As we continue to pray for Guangzhou, today we are sharing prayer requests from those in the area. They asked for prayer for pastors, who are trying to shepherd their flocks through a difficult season. Many of the pastors mentioned the struggles of discipling children and young people, and talked about how important […]
Guangzhou: Challenges and Struggles

Editor’s note: As we continued our conversation with Guangzhou-area believers, they shared some of the areas that have been more difficult for them and their churches. Several mentioned that, while there are many Christians in Guangzhou from other parts of China, they feel that it is harder to share the gospel with local Cantonese. Others […]
Guangzhou: “A Time for Testimony”

Editor’s note: Guangzhou, in southern China not far from Hong Kong, is one of China’s most important trade centers. Although all of China has suffered from a lagging economy, the financial situation in Guangzhou doesn’t seem quite as serious as in other areas of China. Local pastors say the last years have brought increasing pressure […]
Guangzhou: “I Truly Love This City”

Editor’s note: Guangzhou, a city of about 19 million, is one of the most important trade cities in China and the world. The city sits near the head of the Pearl River Delta, and for many years has been the means through which foreign influence first entered Mainland China. Guangzhou is famous for its Cantonese […]
Reformation and Gospel (With Chinese Characteristics)

Editor’s note: October 31, 2024, marks the 507th anniversary of the day in 1517 when Martin Luther, a German monk, nailed 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church. With his bold hammering, Luther began a revolution in the church that has lasted to this day. Although the Chinese house church has in some […]
Xi’an: New Perspective on the City

Editor’s note: Xi’an church leaders share their challenges in leading other believers in a “season of quiet.” They long to press on with the work of the gospel, but face real obstacles in casting a wider net. Instead, many are choosing to grow deeper and pressing into discipleship of existing believers. They sometimes feel frustration […]
Xi’an: “They Can’t Extinguish Us”

Editor’s note: This October, we are praying for Xi’an, located in northwestern China. To find out more about how to pray for this important city, several pastors and ministry leaders shared about their home. Current political realities have made worship and discipleship more difficult than in the past, and leaders are struggling to know how […]
Xi’an: Common Challenges

Editor’s note: We are continuing our month of prayer for the city of Xi’an by learning about the challenges and issues Xi’an Christians face. Believers tell us that it is difficult to train and raise up laborers, and that the workers the church does have are stretched thin and overburdened. Xi’an churches are struggling to […]
Xi’an: “Now It’s a Metropolis”

Editor’s note: This October, we are praying for Xi’an, an important and historic city in northwestern China. Xi’an was the capital of China for many years, and has a rich cultural legacy and heritage. Today, the church is facing many changes as the city grows and develops, and pressure on house churches has ratcheted up. […]