Praying as the Lord Teaches – Hallowed Be Your Name

There is not only gospel obligation, but there is also gospel benediction. Prayer is not just a duty, but is participation in our fellowship with Christ. He said, “No longer do I call you servants… but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). The dynamic of prayer is a friendship dynamic.
Praying for China as the Lord Teaches – Your Kingdom Come

If we don’t disciple in prayer, we are not going to become prayers. Let’s not bring people to prayer; let’s bring prayer to people. Let’s not bring people to prayer events; let’s take prayer into every event. Let’s give it its rightful due: not just the footnote or the polite thing at the beginning and the end.
Morning Prayer on the First Day of the Wuhan Quarantine

The hope of Wuhan is not in the quarantine being lifted because of some highly effective drugs. Instead, the hope of Wuhan lies with the church staying in the city to proclaim the gospel of resurrection.
Praying for China as the Lord Teaches – Our Father in Heaven

Prayer enacts the gospel and positions us with the ascended Christ… After Pentecost, miracles burst forth like flowers in springtime. Winter is gone, the thaw is over, streams have turned into rivers. There is an explosive multiplication of convergence. Timid people become courageous as lions, and the long-kept secrets of heaven are shouted from the housetops.
Praying for China as the Lord Teaches – Interview with a Chinese Pastor on Unity

May your children be living testimonies of love and truth in Christ, so that people of this nation will be led to call upon their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, and by trusting Jesus, become the sons and daughters of God.
Pray for Detained Brothers and Sisters

Though these events are taking place in a region of China where the house church has long enjoyed relative openness, suffering and persecution are not new to the Chinese church. Christ did not promise that his people would be free from all woes, but rather that his Spirit will never abandon his church. The church throughout the world should expect difficulty in this life, so let us pray for our brothers and sisters to remain courageous in this trial.