A Prison Letter from Brother Bo

My heart is filled with surprising peace. What have I lost in the past two years or so? I have temporarily lost time with my family, but I have not lost the love of my family; I have temporarily lost my life of freedom, but I have not lost my freedom of thought; I have temporarily lost Sunday worship, but I have not lost my faith; although I am imprisoned, there is a bigger prison outside these walls.
Year-End Prayers: “It’s Not My Glory”

In American churches we judge a person by his education, by his job, by the clothing he wears, and by the car he drives. The same sin exists in the churches in China, but with a different manifestation, which is: can you endure great suffering? Have you suffered greatly? Have you been imprisoned?
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory Forever: “You are in the Throne Room of the King”

If you haven’t been praying: repent! Pray for boldness in prayer and proclamation. Pray for appointments, so people can be saved. Pray, believing you are in the throne room of the king.
Friday Reflection: God Has Proclaimed a Glorious Kingdom

We move forward on our knees, traveling upstream; otherwise, we will follow the stream downward, because it is only natural. This vision of the kingdom of the gospel is not something we can accomplish by ourselves. But God has placed this impossible mission into the hands of his redeemed people.
Prayer for the City in Light of COVID-19

This day of humbling will only become a day of hope if Christ’s people unite with a common voice to intercede for the church and the city.
Deliver Us From Evil — Feast in Affliction

God takes the dark wool of our sufferings and our difficulties and weaves them into gold in our character and life.
May You Strengthen Them by Your Spirit

Lord, I also pray for house church leaders, especially for pastors who are going through persecution, pressure, trouble, anxiety, and stress. Lord, I pray that you will help them to have inner fortitude to speak as a great witness to a watching world, that they would not waver in their commitment, that they will not be tempted by materialism and the opportunities for going it the easy way.
Praying for International Students: Resources for Getting Involved

One of the things that is so crucial about international ministry is about 90 percent of the people we interact with are Chinese intellectuals. Let’s be honest, if I went to China as a missionary, I would never have access to these people. Even if I did have access, they would never have time for me, because their lives are so busy. What would they care about what some stay-at-home mom from America has to tell them? International student ministry is critical, because you have people from the upper echelons coming to the United States. They have more freedom and more security to ask these questions. And more time.
Praying for International Students: A How-To Guide for Getting Involved

I used to think hospitality meant inviting people over for a meal. It’s way bigger than that—thankfully! The word hospitality literally means “love the stranger.” Pray God would show you how to love strangers around you. We work this out by being intentional and frequent.
Praying for International Students: How One Mom Committed to International Student Ministry

“I love sharing the gospel with people. I love talking about Jesus, I love answering questions about the Bible. That was what hooked me from the beginning. Evangelism and discipleship light me up. Evangelism is what got me interested in ISM, but what has kept me in ISM are the people, the gospel opportunities, and the potential global impact that international student ministry has.”