Editor’s note: We want to pray for China in 2025 — but how? Today, a Chinese believers follows up last week’s post on why it is important for global believers to pray for China and shares how we can concretely do so. Pan Xihong uses China Partnership’s prayer guides on various Chinese cities to help his church pray for the needs in those cities. As he prays for specific needs and learns more about the history of these cities, he sees God move. When we know a city, we pray for it in a real way.
Pray for Churches in the City
China Partnership: How do you pray for cities across China? How do you encourage others to pray?
Pan Xihong: We share the information you’ve prepared about various Chinese cities in our church group. This allows us to pray clearly. We also have a dedicated mid-day fasting prayer meeting once a week, where we pray for one city at a time. When we pray for cities, we do some brief research.
For instance, we learn about the city’s history, especially its gospel history: when the gospel was introduced, which missionaries served there, their impact, which servants of God were raised up in that city. We also mention basic elements of the city: size, population, schools, position and influence.
When we pray, we focus on the church. We believe that, when God raises up a church, it is so the church in that city can serve and bless the entire city. Because the Lord has raised up countless churches in each city, we can pray for these churches, and for the rising generation of young people there. This gives us a clear focus. When we pray like this, we believe God is especially pleased.
I found I could pray not just for my city, but for cities all over China, for countries all over the world. This prayer began to open me up.
If we know someone in a city, like a classmate or a pastor, we specifically pray for them by name. This makes the prayer more powerful, more targeted. A while ago, someone from another place asked me how to pray for me and my city. We especially need this kind of mutual prayer, it’s very important!
I encourage others to learn about the place they are praying for. If you know people in that city, you can ask directly. Or, you can find information and make a guide. This way you have more of a connection to the city and can pray more specifically. This kind of prayer is no longer just a vague, “I commit that city to you.”
For example, since I know you and you live in Los Angeles [with the wildfires], I will pray especially for your church: for the pastor, brothers and sisters there, and ask God to especially use you, to bless and have mercy on those who live there.
Prayer Gives Bigger Vision
Our church has used [the city prayer guides]. It has greatly blessed us. Before I started praying like this, I was more focused on people I serve: my own brothers and sisters. But when I started participating in [city prayer], I increasingly turned to pray for my city. I found I could pray not just for my city, but for cities all over China, for countries all over the world. This prayer began to open me up.
When we prayed, it was amazing. Many churches responded. What we prayed for really happened! God is listening.
Likewise, brothers and sisters in our church were also deeply moved and opened. Our vision and our hearts were broadened. Our eyes were no longer just on our own little patch of land. We began to have a kingdom perspective.
Never miss a story
I am very joyful and grateful. Before, I felt I was selfish, focusing only on the small group of people God entrusted to me. But now, the more I pray, the more God broadens my heart. I see countless needs, urgent needs. I hope that the people or churches I serve will be revived. But when I see other churches in the same city begin to be raised up by the Lord, I am grateful. When I see such work starting in other cities, I have even greater joy. This is a beautiful seed God has planted in my heart, and I believe that one day it will blossom into brilliant flowers and bear abundant fruit.
“God’s Wonderful Work”
Sometimes, I have the opportunity to serve in other various cities. In the past year, when I have gone to other cities, I found that my previous service and mentality have changed. I believe that when I go to a city, and focus specifically on the church and the blessings of that place, God will greatly bless and revive that city.
There are no coincidences. This is God’s wonderful work. He wants to expand his territory – to bless more churches, and revive more cities. Praise the Lord! This is all the result of prayer.
We were praying specifically for some events in one city. We found that when we prayed, it was amazing. Many churches responded. What we prayed for really happened! God is listening. In another place, we hoped for revival and expansion – and suddenly the opportunity came.
There are no coincidences. This is God’s wonderful work. He wants to expand his territory – to bless more churches, and revive more cities. Praise the Lord! This is all the result of prayer.
Pan Xihong is a pseudonym for a pastor working with university students in a large Chinese city. He and his wife have one child.
Pray that God will, through the prayers of his people, revive cities across China in 2025.