Editor’s note: A Chinese Christian shares how he has seen God use the prayers of the church around the world to bless China — and why he longs for those prayers to continue. There are many needs in Chinese society right now. As some Chinese acknowledge the futility of life apart from God, Pan Xihong believes this is a crucial time for the church to step in and show people God’s love. But Chinese believers cannot do this alone! Revival is built on prayer, and the prayers of other Christians around the world are a crucial part of what God is doing in China now.
As Pan reminds us: “Prayer is the work done in heaven.” When the work is done, reaping the harvest of prayer is all that is left.
Growing Population, Increasing Pressure
China Partnership: Why do you want to encourage Christians around the world to pray for Chinese cities?
Pan Xihong: Our God, who always hears prayers, has used and heard your prayers to greatly bless Chinese cities. I’m grateful for brothers and sisters everywhere who have a burden to pray for Chinese cities.
Chinese cities especially need prayer. In the past decade, especially since 2012, China’s urban population surpassed the rural population for the first time. The rural population moved to the cities because the countryside couldn’t support them or offer much hope. In the future, China’s cities will continue to grow rapidly, while rural areas will increasingly merge or even disappear. Most of China’s population will live in cities.
The problems now are very significant.
The problems now are very significant. Here’s a statistic: more than 600 million people in China have a monthly income of less than 1,000 renminbi. [About $137.50 in USD.] More than 900 million have a monthly income of less than 2,000 renminbi. [About $275 USD.] This huge group presents a big problem.
Since the pandemic, and with all the policy changes, China’s economic situation is very tense. There’s a serious wave of unemployment. Many problems have emerged in Chinese cities, and people are increasingly losing hope in society and in the country. There are many news reports of retaliatory incidents, for instance when someone drove a truck into a crowded street. People have no hope; the pressure of life is increasing.
These incidents need prayer, so Chinese people can be humbled and the Chinese church can be awakened and have courage to visit these people, share the gospel with them, love and care for neighbors, and truly help them. The saying goes, “2024 was the best year of China’s future.” This means each new year will be worse than the last.
We especially need to pray. Many things happened in 2024. Just entering 2025, the army was mobilized to suppress a riot in a county where a student suddenly died. These things are common; people have no peace.
People have no hope; the pressure of life is increasing.
I think of Abraham’s prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah, when he prayed for God not to destroy it for the sake of the righteous in it. May such a city have hope. May these people hear the gospel and know the Lord who created the universe. He loves them and wants to bless and save them, rather than have them live in a hopeless, desperate world.
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“All This Requires Prayer”
CP: Does it affect you to know Christians abroad are remembering and praying for you?
Pan: Yes. We especially need believers all over the world to pray for us. This is very important! Jesus has risen. He is at the Father’s right hand, also doing the work of prayer. Prayer is the work done in heaven. All that’s left is to harvest the fruit of prayer.
With gratitude and confidence, God has truly heard the prayers of Christians around the world for China. I firmly believe this. Because of your prayers, he can revive the Chinese church, awaken Chinese people, and humble their hearts. The current environment is clearly meant to humble people and make them seek.
A few years ago – especially before the pandemic – if you tried to share the gospel with a Chinese person, they would be very proud and think they didn’t need it. But now when you share the gospel with them (of course, you have to find the right way) they will feel they really need it.
Although there are difficulties, it is exactly the right time for people to turn to God… All this requires prayer.
If you say, “I’m a Christian, I can pray for you. What do you need?” most people will not refuse, but will be grateful and thankful. This was almost unseen before 2022. I believe this is the result of God hearing prayers. Although there are difficulties, it is exactly the right time for people to turn to God, humble themselves, listen to the gospel, know their sinfulness and selfishness, and to need the help of a supernatural Lord. All this requires prayer. Only prayer can make people ask God to change their hearts.
Pan Xihong is a pseudonym for a pastor working with university students in a large Chinese city. He and his wife have one child.
Pray that, in a stressful time in society, Chinese people will be willing to humble themselves and seek God.