Editor’s note: In 2025, we are again praying for cities across China. Today, in the second part of our interview with Sister Bao En, she talks about the power of prayer. Although it seems that Chinese believers would feel marginalized and powerless, she says that prayer gives them the ability to govern and rule in their cities. Prayer is powerful, and God uses the prayers of his children to do his work, and to draw them into deeper intimacy with him.
Authority in Prayer
China Partnership: What is your hope for how praying together for Chinese cities can lead to deeper connection with God?
Sister Bao En: God has given believers authority to govern. From one perspective, prayer is governance. When you pray for a city from God’s perspective – when you pray for God’s righteousness, mercy, and truth to be applied – you are actually governing that city. Non-believers can’t see this, but believers know. Every time we pray for a city like this, God is using his children to govern that city with his truth. This is something I feel very deeply.
Prayer is governance. When you pray for a city from God’s perspective – when you pray for God’s righteousness, mercy, and truth to be applied – you are actually governing that city.
When you pray for a city according to God’s heart, you will see God working in that city. You pray for truth to walk the streets of that city, you pray for the holiness and cleansing of the city – and then you see God shutting down the nightclubs. You pray for the idols of the city, the idols they worship every year during New Year as they parade them through the streets – and then this year, the government issues an order saying they can’t parade through the streets. God cut off this city-wide idol worship. You see things that are truly amazing.
The more you pray, the more you experience God’s governance and care for the city, and the more you trust in him. The more you trust, the more willing you are to pray; the more willing you are to pray, the closer you become to God. It’s a very positive cycle. Your relationship with God becomes more and more intimate.
Look to God
CP: What is a praying church?
Sister Bao En: A praying church is what God teaches us in the Bible. He says, “Pray without ceasing.” He tells those who preach the gospel to pray first, then preach. A praying church deeply understands that God is in control, that we are limited, that we need God’s grace. We need to look to God and to simply trust in him. That kind of church doesn’t rely on human effort or knowledge. A praying church is a church that pursues holiness, relies on God, and is willing to give itself to God’s kingdom.
When you pray for a city according to God’s heart, you will see God working in that city.
Prayer often goes unnoticed. Many people don’t know that when something suddenly happens, it might be the result of God answering prayer. Many people think it’s just a coincidence or good luck, but it’s actually the result of God hearing prayer.
A praying church needs to pursue holiness and truly look to God. A praying church must be a church with absolute obedience and faith in God.
“God Is Doing This”
CP: What is your vision for prayer?
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Sister Bao En: When I was praying for my city, something really struck me: God uses prayer to let his children govern the city and govern the country. Although we are not in positions of earthly power, in the spiritual realm, we are the kings of this city. We are the ones in authority, because this authority is at a higher level than earthly authority. Our authority comes from God.
I’m especially looking forward to praying for cities next year. We want to share more about this vision of prayer, so every city can use prayer to govern itself and to change the spiritual atmosphere of the city. Each city can use prayer to change the hearts of people who are indifferent, cruel, and without mercy.
Although we are not in positions of earthly power, in the spiritual realm, we are the kings of this city.
Prayer can definitely achieve this. God is doing this, and God is pleased with this. We just need to obey and take that step forward.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your grace, so we can come together and share our visions, plans, and insights regarding prayer.
You especially use prayer to govern this country and this city, so all your children can kneel down and prostrate themselves before you in prayer. We can use your mighty power to restore us and fight our battles.
Lord, we ask for your grace and mercy to guide us in all our upcoming plans and arrangements. Be present with us, protect us in your presence, and cover us. Thank you!
In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sister Bao En (a pseudonym) lives in a city in southern China. She loves to pray and to share the vision of prayer with others.
Pray for Chinese believers to boldly pray for their cities, so God may answer in astounding ways in 2025.