Editor’s note: Happy Thanksgiving!
Today we are re-publishing a 2018 interview with a Chinese pastor in Guangzhou. He believes the church can primarily influence its city by holding fast to and sharing the truth. As people come to believe the truth, the church is to disciple and train believers to serve others by living a truthful, godly life.
The Church: Truth and Life
CP: How does the church impact the city where it is?
Pastor: There are two ways. First, through the truth it holds. Second, through the life of believers.
The church is distinct from other organizations, because the church is a community of people called by God, through his word, to worship and serve God.
The church is also the pillar and foundation of truth. No other organization knows the truth, confesses the truth, proclaims the truth, and follows the truth. This is the most profound, most salient, and the only feature of the church that distinguishes it from all other organizations before Jesus returns. The church most profoundly impacts the city at the level of truth.
The second way a church impacts its city is through the lives of believers. A city is not about its buildings; it is about people. There are two kinds of people: Christians, called by God; and non-believers. I call non-believers religious followers; everyone has his own god, his own authority, and his own standards and rules. Everyone worships [something or someone]. People discover problems and seek to solve them. This is how humanistic religions emerge in every historical period.
No other organization knows the truth, confesses the truth, proclaims the truth, and follows the truth. This is the most profound, most salient, and the only feature of the church that distinguishes it from all other organizations.
There are no politics, but only religion, because politics is also about constructing authority and a system of worship. In the end, politics still carves out authority comprised of persons. Politics is still inventing a system of worship.
When the church works, serves, and is present in a city, it influences the city most significantly because it must proclaim truth. What defines truth? The Bible. Satan comes to lead people away from God so they no longer trust God’s word. When we proclaim God’s truth, we must return to the Bible. How?
There are many churches in China. But what can truly impact the city and influence the city’s people has to be the truth. Everyone is created by God, and unless we receive God’s truth [we cannot know and return to him]. Therefore, when we evaluate how a church influences a city, we return to biblical truth.
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How is biblical truth discovered? We return to biblical creeds, those created since the time of the Reformation, through rigorous exegesis and continual prayer, by many saints called and used by God. These creeds have stood the test of time.
The Church’s Impact On the City
CP: How do you train up soldiers of the gospel to proclaim the truth in life? How do you share the gospel with the unreached?
Pastor: How does the church impact the city? Through Christian life. The Christian life is the process in which we apply truth to daily life situations. Our church’s vision for service can be summed up in a few words: righteous laws, a gospel of grace, sound doctrines, godly living, a healthy diet, a healthy body, clear calling, holy service.
What do these things mean? God will use his church, through his word and through Jesus Christ, to transform a totally depraved sinner into a soldier of the gospel — someone who is sure of his calling and is able to do holy service while he lives under the sun.
There are no politics, but only religion, because politics is also about constructing authority and a system of worship. In the end, politics… is still inventing a system of worship.
How is this done? First, we share the true gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ, so a person can understand the gospel and believe in Christ. Then we disciple him. We start with God’s righteous laws and the gospel of grace. By teaching God’s righteous laws, we help people understand that we are hopeless under God’s judgment. Then comes the gospel of grace, which draws people to Jesus Christ, the heart of the gospel.
Then, through the teaching of sound doctrines, we lead people to a godly life.
Further, in order to serve, one needs good physical health in addition to spiritual health. Ministry is how we should take care of our well-being in this evil and corrupt generation, so we can serve in ways that are healthy and effective.
Lastly, ministry is not limited to service within the church. We serve in all areas and at any stage of life. Anyone who has received the gospel can serve effectively, regardless of their profession. Therefore, we help every disciple recognize their gifts so they can carry out holy service in their own profession, wherever God places them.
God will use his church, through his word and through Jesus Christ, to transform a totally depraved sinner into a soldier of the gospel — someone who is sure of his calling and is able to do holy service while he lives under the sun.
How do we serve? We approach this from a few aspects: personal life, marriage and family life, and work.
We also call believers to several kinds of worship: individual worship, family worship, and public, corporate worship. Worship is extensive. It is not limited to the few hours at church, but involves all aspects of life, and encompasses every moment of every day.
We have to win people to Christ. Only the right people can do the right things, so we greatly value the molding of people with the gospel. One transformed by the gospel and equipped with sound doctrines will be led to holy service.
This is how we do it. We care a great deal about discipleship.
Wang Jianguo is the collective pseudonym for a group of Chinese house church pastors thinking and writing about issues related to the spread of Christianity in their nation. They are committed to preaching a grace-centered gospel, developing resources for the church, and loving China’s urban centers.
Pray for Guangzhou churches to share the gospel with unbelievers and to disciple and train Christians to follow Jesus.