Editor’s note: As we continue to pray for Guangzhou, today we are sharing prayer requests from those in the area. They asked for prayer for pastors, who are trying to shepherd their flocks through a difficult season. Many of the pastors mentioned the struggles of discipling children and young people, and talked about how important it is to pass the faith to the next generation. Pray for God to make a way for young people to come to him. One church leader talked about his imprisonment over the past year, and shared how God had used that time to work in his heart in a mighty way. Praise the Lord that he uses even difficulties to draw his people to himself! Finally, pray for pastors and believers who are considering emigrating from the Guangzhou area. Pray for God’s clear leading and direction to them.
“It’s Not Easy”
China Partnership: How can we be praying for your city and for Christians in your city? How can we be praying for your churches and families?
Wong Meijing: Pray for all the pastors. It’s not easy for anyone. Pray that pastors will be devoted to Christ and his kingdom. We are easily influenced by our environment.
Also, pray for campus ministries. Now, many young people go to temples. They are searching for peace in their soul, looking for a resting place. Don’t think badly of them, they are lost and confused. Pray that college students can receive the gospel. When AI comes, there will be a complete departure from the past. How can young people face the future? They need faith! You must be rooted in Christ to face the world. Student ministry is crucial.
Pray for all the pastors. It’s not easy for anyone.
Also pray for children’s education, and for parents. Parents’ attitudes towards their children’s education will affect their children’s spiritual growth. Parents focus more on academics than on raising their children to become soldiers of Christ.
For our own church, pray that brothers and sisters will learn to be disciples who pray. Pray for me, as pastor, to know how to take the next step. This is very practical! It’s hard to say I have a grand vision. The vision is God’s kingdom, which he himself will ultimately accomplish. But how to take each step? How to continue discipleship training? This year, we need to till the soil and have good soil.
Blessed by Jail
Zu Jianyu: I’m incredibly thankful for the changes God brought into my life this past year [while I was in prison]. This change of environment led to reflection. I had many hard shells. God has graciously broken them down, especially emotionally. I used to be quite rational and rigid. My wife would say I was unable to consider other perspectives, especially the weaknesses of brothers and sisters. When I would visit people, I would think, “Such small matters, why are they always like this?” I was emotionally numb.
This past year, God has broken through that numbness and rigidity. Now, when I read letters from my wife or from brothers and sisters, I’m moved to tears. Even reading the psalms feels different. Before, it was just reading, nothing special. Now, many of the psalms deeply resonate with me. God knew my emotional numbness, and used the situation in jail to restore me.
God knew my emotional numbness, and used the situation in jail to restore me.
Interacting with people in the lower strata of society, those living in darkness, has given me much to reflect on: their values, their numbness, their dark and vulgar language. I’ve been able to witness to them, and to help some young people.
My interactions with prison guards also revealed the tragic and terrible aspects of the lives of these public servants. I had a good relationship with my guards, and things were relatively smooth in that area.
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This experience [of being in prison] gave me a deeper understanding of young people in our society who lack education and opportunities. Now, I have a burden for these young people.
God has been gracious to us. When I talk with other co-workers in our church, we all realize God has given so much to each of us. This has been a time of refining. Through our difficulties, God allowed us to have miraculous, one-of-a-kind experiences. I am very grateful. I believe God allowed me to go through this season to help me better understand the people we serve in our church, because most people in our church are working class.
Understanding God’s Leading
Ran Wuliang: First, please pray that, during financial hardship and persecution, brothers and sisters in our church will continue to look to and rely on the Lord.
Second, many pastors and Christians we know have left China in the past few years. We often say it’s God’s leading, but we don’t always understand what that looks like for each person. If we truly understand God’s calling, maybe we’d be more cautious in our decisions. We don’t want to leave at the first sign of difficulty. Pray believers will discern God’s calling, and that he will work in the hearts of those considering these decisions.
God has been gracious to us. When I talk with other co-workers in our church, we all realize God has given so much to each of us. This has been a time of refining. Through our difficulties, God allowed us to have miraculous, one-of-a-kind experiences.
Pray for God to raise up more believers for service. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Church governance is a crucial need. We need not only brothers, but also sisters to be raised up.
As for children’s education, it’s about parental guidance and the strength of their faith. Losing young people is a serious concern. This is related to parental influence and home witness, as well as the resources available in the church. My church does not have resources in this area.
A growing number of people come to church because of their depression. Depression is affecting younger and younger people, even children. This is a significant portion of the congregation in many churches in this area. These people need ministry, but do we have the training and gifts to serve them? Pray for God to open the way for us.
Yan Qiangdong: Pray for parents in our churches to have wisdom in raising their children and teaching them about the gospel from a young age. Also pray for sisters in our church whose husbands oppose their faith.
Wong Meijing, Ran Wuliang, Jiang Aizhong, and Yang Qiangdong are Guangzhou area house church pastors. Zu Jianyu is an elder in a local house church.
Praise God that he uses times of trial to do good work in the hearts of his disciples. Pray for God to raise more pastors and leaders, and for parents trying to raise their children in the faith.