Editor’s note: Since Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February, the world has waited to see how China would respond. Officially, the Chinese government has remained non-committal; unofficially, Russian propaganda has been widespread within China.
A few weeks ago, hundreds of Chinese house church Christians met online with a church planter in Ukraine to hear how Ukrainian Christians have responded to the Russian invasion. The Chinese believers heard about how Ukrainian Christians have reached out to refugees from the war and have served the displaced, both within Ukraine and now as they spread across Europe. After more than an hour of updates and questions, the session closed as a Chinese house church pastor prayed for Ukraine.
Dear Heavenly Father and Our Lord Jesus,
We thank you that we can stand alongside Ukrainian pastors. We thank you that our hearts can be united with the people of Ukraine, who are going through deep suffering. We are deeply thankful, because we believe you have already won the biggest battle in the world for us. You have already shattered the head of the Satan on the cross. You are the king in the midst of the great flood. We wait for your kingdom to come in this life, and we see that your kingdom is coming.
”“Both in China and in Russia, we are all under the erroneous rule and violent treatment of our own people and of foreigners. In the midst of suffering, we remember that our Lord Jesus Christ still trusted in the Father’s sovereignty even in the most difficult time.”
We give you thanks that we are able to see your kingdom within Ukraine tonight. Your love, your truth, and your servants are present in the midst of all of the chaos, killing, and lies. In the darkest of situations, you, God, have awakened the hearts of the people. Lord, we give you thanks and we believe that you must continue your work. You will bring true peace to Ukraine: swords will be beaten into plows, and those who love justice and do mercy will be raised. We depend on you. We plead that you will defeat the schemes of all the evil spirits behind every dictator. Both in China and in Russia, we are all under the erroneous rule and violent treatment of our own people and of foreigners.
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In the midst of suffering, we remember that our Lord Jesus Christ still trusted in the Father’s sovereignty even in the most difficult time. Let us believe that, in our evil days, God will continue to use his people and to bring revival to them. We pray that your justice and mercy will be manifested throughout the land.
Lord, please comfort all those who are wounded and are living in extreme fear. Provide for their physical needs, but more importantly, provide for their spiritual, gospel provision. Increase your people. Hasten their desire to serve you and to become cherished and holy vessels. Let the life of Christ become a light in every chaotic war zone in Ukraine. Lord, have mercy on that country and the people of that land. Give them a double portion of your grace. Let your Kingdom be manifested in this land, and your revival be seen.
Let all the people of the God pray in this way:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.”
Preacher Yang is the pastor of a house church in Xiamen, China. He received his Master of Divinity from Singapore Theological Seminary.
Pray for more and more opportunities for the global church to encourage one another in the gospel.