Pray, Plan, Persevere: What the Chinese House Church Teaches Western Churches Amidst COVID-19

Perhaps, as Americans realize that our money, power, and comfort cannot ultimately shield us or our loved ones, we will prize the gospel anew and cling to God as our hope and Savior. Perhaps we will learn from the Chinese church and see God’s hand of mercy, even as he confronts us with our collective helplessness and anxiety. As the old hymn says, “’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears reliev’d.”
Members of One Family – Reflections on Why Chinese and Chinese Americans Are Eager to Donate Face Masks

The assistance from China and the Chinese community highlights the common bond of humanity broadly. When people in China suffered, many Americans immediately acted to provide for their medical and financial needs. Now that China is catching a reprieve from this virus, Chinese are immediately sharing their resources and expertise with other nations.