Crying to God During the Time of the Plague

Illness and death are stark realities that remind us we need salvation. But because of our gradual slide into sin and numbness, we no longer care about our own desperate condition; it seems as though the only thing that can wake us up from our stupor and force us to reflect more on the meaning of life is sudden, catastrophic disaster.
Do Not Let This Crisis Go to Waste – Learning from China about Being the Church Online

While most American churches are exploring this uncharted territory in the U.S. in the last couple weeks, our Chinese brothers and sisters have been using Zoom and other online platforms to provide pastoral care and discipleship training over the past several months during their own Covid-19 quarantine, and some for even longer due to periods of persecution.
Church Planting in China During the Coronavirus Outbreak

In the light of Covid-19, does China really need a new church at this moment? Surely, one might think, there are dozens of more important steps Christians in China might be taking to serve those around them. Yet, in the midst of his city and country’s suffering, Pastor Hu decided to forge ahead with his church’s long-planned February launch.