Darkness to Light, Part 3: “The Darkness Would be Completely Transformed by God”

Last year I read through Philippians a lot. I want to grow in him in joy. In the past, I thought joy was knowing how to suck it up or to be positive in a hard situation. I wanted to learn that skill. But after I read through Philippians, God helped me get a little taste of Paul’s joy when he was in prison. It’s not like Paul is positive about it. His heart is completely not there, his heart is on Jesus’s gospel and the Philippians. When he heard the gospel is spreading and the Philippians are growing, that’s where his joy came from. He’s so filled with joy that his surroundings or the situation don’t even matter.
Interview with the Daughter of a Ministry Leader – Whatever Happens Is Part of God’s Plan

I hope to have my grandmother’s perseverance and her attitude toward her work. It is worth my time learning these things from her. As for my mom, I hope that I can have her strong faith in the Lord and her thirst for the Bible. I am not there yet. I want to learn from both of them.