Editor’s note: The following is final portion of an extended interview conducted by a Chinese writer with the leadership and various members of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu. It was shared online in China over the last month; the Chinese original can be read here and the entire English translation here. To understand the people and places discussed in the article, please refer to China Partnership’s Early Rain Prayer Guide.
Brother A: I’m grateful for God, for my brothers and sisters, and for our pastor. Thank God for giving us good shepherds and preachers who are able to preach the true word, who take responsibility for burdens that the world cannot carry, and who comfort those who are suffering. This is the power of an indispensable faith.
Sister Ji: May the brothers and sisters of Early Rain Covenant Church, in the midst of these external pressures, increase in their love of and trust in the Lord and desire even more to walk the way of the cross with the Lord. May their faith be strengthened. They have a reward in the Lord.
Brother Li: I want to thank the church. The faithful service of our pastor and the team of elders and deacons have allowed us to receive better pastoral care in every area. I am truly thankful! I thank this church, and of course, ultimately, I thank God!
Sister Zhang: I love my church! I really love my church!
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Deacon He: My greatest desire is that everyone would face the coming persecution with unity and joy, for this is what God has allotted to us. We must face it joyfully and not speculate about God’s reasons. We must move forward according to what God has appointed to us.
English translation provided by Moses, Ryan, and Brent of the China Partnership translation team. Please refer to our reposting guidelines for permission to share on your blog or website.