1 Way to Pray for China this Week

This week, pray for environmental issues in China. As the media frequently highlights, China’s rapid industrialization has brought with it difficult and extensive environmental concerns. With issues ranging from air pollution to species loss, many are trying to stem the tide of damage, but efforts often seem small and ineffective. The government grows increasingly concerned as citizens grow increasingly frustrated by the situation. As with the process of industrialization in the West, the balance in China between progress, human life, and environmental sustainability is immensely complex. China needs men and women with integrity who are firmly rooted in a Biblical view of stewardship to have influence in these issues.
The Art of Chinese Names

If all of that is confusing to you, I hope it at least helps you appreciate the depth of meaning behind a Chinese name. Naming is one of the most important acts parents do for their children because it expresses the care and hope the parents place on their children. Not only is a person known by a name for the rest of his or her life, but the meaning behind a name may also define his or her character.