Becoming All that God Has Made Us to Be, Part 1

In global outreach, our goal is to build relationships and share resources with organizations that are working to see the church flourish in their contexts. Baked into that mission statement is a commitment to having mutuality, so there is a relational component. We want to build relationships where each of us are benefitting and we’re loving each other well. And sharing resources. For sure that can involve material exchange and some financial giving, but really we want it to involve more than that, too. We think of the threefold nature of partnership. It must have a relational dimension, and an educational piece or learning of one another. So for example, learning each other’s contexts and cultures, and sometimes even if you’re working with someone who has really similar demographics, the church culture is really different. The last one is the collaborative piece – asking what are some things we think we would be better doing together? We like to think about this in both our contexts. How do we both team? What are some of the unique ways you challenge us and we challenge you? And how does this really bring God glory as we team together?