The Motivation of Gospel Witness, Part 2: Resolute Faith

The story in Shunem continues and from verse 21 on, we read a remarkable tale about resolute faith. That is the second truth we see in this story, in the midst of regrettable tragedy, we see a resolute faith that is unshakable and unflinching.
After the boy’s death, the mother takes her child and places him on the bed of Elisha’s guest room. Without hesitation, she tells her husband that she will find the man of God. Though her husband discourages her to go to Elisha in light of the apparent protocol or visitation rules that existed at that time, she replies simply, “shalom,” it is well. She has lost her child, but not her faith. Her faith is so resolute that she is sure the prophet will see her, regardless of whether it is the appropriate spiritual day to see men of God like Elisha.