Biblical Vision for God’s Ultimate Plan – Intention for Diversity

I’m here primarily because of admiration for your pastor, my friendship to him, and all that’s going on here at Redeemer San Diego. This is a wonderful community. You’re blessed to be here at this church. I hope you know that.
So I’ve been here for the missions conference. We’ve been focusing on the deep implications of the gospel as it relates to missions and having a robust theological vision for missions. We also looked at gospel and cities – why cities matter to God, and to the culture, and to the church. We also looked at the search for a missional church. That is, we were trying to see how the gospel shapes the way the church is to be missional in terms of thinking how we engage the world; but primarily, how we are called to have the different elements of being a missional church. Even though you might not be somebody who is being sent out by God to do work in other global cities, we are called as Christians to think missiologically and to have a missional posture.