The Spiritual Legacy of the House Church – An American Response

About five years ago I met the author of this article, “The Spiritual Legacy of the House Church” (TSLHC), but only recently did I read this piece of his. I found myself internally crying out with a hearty “amen” at the words, thoughts, and concepts he expressed. I rejoice that we can have a role in letting the non-Chinese speaking world catch a glimpse of one small, but significant, voice out of many within the house church movement in China. I feel strongly that many Christians who desire to pray for China and support her church are only able to hear the voices of those who interpret the situation in China and not those who are actually inside the church themselves. Sometimes this is due to language barriers; sometime it is due to security issues. As I sit here and write this I am keenly aware that I am in danger of doing the very same thing. This is exactly why I want my words to be in response to the author’s words.