Why a New Look?
As we mark our fifteenth anniversary, China Partnership is introducing a new look. Join us for a new beginning as we celebrate God’s work in the past and look forward to what comes next. We’ve developed the new CP identity with intentionality and purpose and we hope this introduction will help you understand who we are and how you can partner with us. Read on and watch our video to discover the ideas behind our new logo!
Our Vision
China Partnership exists to boldly witness the saving and renewing power of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection as the Spirit calls people to himself in China, building his church into a missional community that manifests God’s glory through the life of worship and union with Christ.
· To support the church in China by providing reformed gospel training and resources for planting churches, shepherding Jesus Christ’s followers, and living a renewed life.
· To facilitate gospel-centered, missional partnerships between the Chinese church and believers around the world.
· To encourage and equip believers to love Chinese people everywhere, but particularly those living in proximity to their neighborhoods and communities.
Break Down
Break Through
Grow Together
We believe two working together are better than going it alone. In order for partnership to occur, both sides must learn to trust each other, bring out each other’s strengths. In the context of relationship, China Partnership seeks to understand the barriers and walls that people, churches, and organizations have built and that hinder the work God has prepared for them to do.
In the Chinese church, we help identify and understand ways the church can drift away from the centrality of the gospel of grace. When such barriers as legalism or moralism are identified, the gospel is able to break through. China Partnership desires for churches and leaders to live out grace-shaped, grace-driven, and grace-focused lives. Only when we recognize our common identity in the gospel, can we move towards growth together in community.
In the United States, we work with churches to identity barriers that prevent effective ministry to Chinese and seek to break through with gospel-centered and sound missiological practices. This enables churches to move beyond harmful ministry models in order to serve Chinese communities globally and locally through partnership, and ultimately, to grow together as the global body of Christ.