Author: Church China

Spiritual Formation
Church China

Honoring Our Parents According to God’s Will, Part 3: Facing Difficulties as People Who Have Been Loved

Even though we face difficulties and conflicts, and even though we are busy serving the church, we are a people who have been loved. Our whole lives belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, so we should depend on him in all things and glorify him in all that we do. Since we are loved, we ought to have the same mind as Christ, caring for our earthly parents in the Lord with a heart of gratitude. We ought to consider before God how we can practically care for the physical and spiritual health of our elderly parents. 

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Honoring Our Parents According to God’s Will, Part 2: Discerning the Needs of Elderly Parents

As we take care of our parents, even though children can easily spend more of their energy and worry taking care of the physical and emotional needs of their parents, as Christians we ought to pay more attention to our parents’ spiritual well-being. As children who were the first to believe, we are entrusted by God with this responsibility, and we will have to give an account to him.

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Honoring Our Parents According to God’s Will, Part 1: Examining God’s Good Will

As Christians who have been given the great grace of salvation in Jesus Christ, we should strive to discern secular ideas, to war against the sins of our flesh, and to confront and reflect on God’s will through the gospel. May the Lord lead us to repentance and back to his will. Because the Lord died for us on the cross and forgave all our sins, making us children of God and giving us the eternal hope of the Kingdom of Heaven, we ought to support our parents with hearts full of gratitude, relying on and trusting in his promises as we testify to the name of our Savior Christ. God will remember our faithfulness and bless us.

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Church China Roundtable: Five Questions for Churches Today Based on the Spirit of the Reformation

In this case, I think that the value of the Reformation for the Chinese house church lies in this – a conscious identity with the true meaning of the traditions of the holy universal church in theology, ministry, governing systems, etc., brought about by the rediscovery of the gospel. Apart from anti-institutionalism, I think the traditions of the Chinese house church are much in agreement with the spirit of the Reformation, but it lacks a self-identity. This self-identity can come either from an intellectually-led social identity or from the rediscovery of the gospel.

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Church China Roundtable: The Reformation and Me

Later in my study of doctrine such experiences increasingly made me feel deeply about this question: why was the impact of the gospel was so powerful at the beginning of the Reformation, but the same doctrine passed down to us today makes no similar impact on the church? At the time of the Reformation, every doctrine was clear and lively expressed in the lives and ministry of the people. However, in today’s church, the doctrines are often abstract and not easy to accept and grasp. We spend a lot of time teaching the content of the doctrines, but believers only get abstract knowledge, and in real life their intuitive focus is still on what to do and how to do it. They are very earnest in doing things and learn a lot of knowledge, but what is reflected in their behavior is not the vigorous response brought about by studying the doctrines. The doctrines do not genuinely shape their lives. So why? I think maybe it is because they do not really understand these doctrines. Those who teach Christian doctrine may give a complete presentation of theology, but it is still alien to how the doctrines are actively applied in practical life. Our teaching of doctrine is merely intellectual recitation, and so naturally people’s responses are not the intended transformation.

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Church China

Church China: The Invaluable Inheritance of the Reformation

By God’s grace, through retrospection and discussion, we may rediscover the invaluable inheritance of the Reformation. Let dust-laden history shine once more and speak to today’s church. Let the same God, same Christ, same gospel that once moved the reformers of the past move us today through the Holy Spirit. Let us see how the gospel of the Lord that once inspired them can also motivate us to change, hold fast, and proclaim, just as our resurrected Lord directed his disciples through the Great Commission

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Raising Children in the Gospel: Responses to Two Controversial Questions

All in all, during the entire process of conceiving, delivering, and educating [children], we should rely on God as a whole. Knowing some knowledge and some general rules is good, but it is not the foundation for raising children. When it deviates from the gospel of the cross, knowledge can only make people arrogant. Only God can make our children grow. As parents, we can only build them up with God’s word, pray for them, and entrust them to God. Only with the cross of salvation, the presence of God, and the supply of God’s grace, can we and our descendants triumph.

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Raising Children in the Gospel: Twelve Specific Suggestions

Proactively prepare for marriage and parenting while you are still single. It takes years of learning and training to take secular jobs, let alone the roles of husband, wife, father, and mother of a family with godly values! One does not naturally become husband or wife after getting married, and one does not naturally become father or mother after having kids. These should be assessed according to God’s standards. Of course, it is not too late to learn for parents, as long as the Lord has not come yet; his “slowness” is the opportunity to repent.

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

Raising Children in the Gospel: Four General Rules

Speaking of parenting, people may have a lot to share. Nevertheless, as Christians, we are aware that there is no certain method or trick to training by which, we can we achieve the goal; it can only be achieved by God, by relying on his promises and his grace. True, in some well-known parenting books, there might be many applicable rules; however, problems arise through practicing these rules, and the Bible is the only one we can always trust. Besides, relentless war goes on between legalism and anti-legalism. For example, when someone succeeds according to “Method A” from a certain book, it can seem legalistic; on the contrary, it can go to anti-legalism, denying everything in the book, including the good parts, when “Method A” doesn’t work. Both sides depart the will of raising children in the gospel. Thanks be to God who gave me two children, and guided me with his unfailing love and faithfulness during the whole time, leading me back to his cross and grace. Below are some thoughts from my own experience of raising children.

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Spiritual Formation
Church China

True Knowledge and Life in the Gospel Bring True Revival to the Church – An Interview with Pastor Miao, Part 2

As everything starts to unfold, we find that young believers inherit core values from elders. All of the Biblical sermons, church views, and discipleship are the inheritance of faith. Therefore, we need a standard. Without the statement of faith, we still make decisions based on the subjective self. Also every fellowship and church needs a declaration of faith. It serves as a protection from taking in false teachings and a reminder to walk in faith. At this time, we started to teach the Westminster Confession of Faith.

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