In addition to bringing China’s needs before the Lord, we encourage you to take time this week to praise God for China and its fascinating culture. As with all of God’s creation, there is much to give praise for! This week, we encourage you to praise God for Chinese cuisine! Food is a remarkable part of Chinese culture and as diverse and multifaceted as its people. If you’ve never taken time to learn about the varieties and regional differences, make sure to check out some of the articles below and definitely watch the video. As its introduction says, “Chinese restaurants are like no other establishments in the United States. These places are literally the homes of thousands of Chinese families who pour out their lives into the restaurant for the sake of the next generation.”
In addition to praising the Creator for China’s culinary culture, try giving some legs to your prayers this week and eat out at an authentic restaurant. And even better – see if you can learn something new about Chinese food by befriending those working at the restaurant!
How to pray:
– Praise God for the cultural diversity he has created in the world, including among the Chinese. Praise him for the ways Chinese creativity, cuisine, and hospitality bring him glory and honor.
– Praise God that famine and hunger have been dramatically reduced in China. Give thanks for God’s blessings on China agriculturally and economically in recent decades.
– Praise God for your own ability to try Chinese food and for the people who have brought it to your city and neighborhood. Praise God that he is the Lord of migration and that he has given us this time to share the gospel with those who once were far away.
– Meditate on Acts 17:26-27 as you tuck into a favorite dish or plate of dumplings! “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him.”
– “The Dos and Don’ts of Ordering Chinese”
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– “Chinese Food”