Friday, November 4 @ 3pm
Welcome & Worship
State of China & The Church
Hear from four Chinese leaders about the challenges and hopes they have for the church in China in this season.
Panel Interview with Chinese Christians
Hear from Chinese Christians about their intercultural experience and how their training in China prepared them for this season of life in the US.
China Partnership Dinner
Tribute to Jay Kyle
Join us as we honor our founder and his life of service for the people of China.
The Church in the Wilderness
Hear from Chinese Christians on what it is like to be the church in this current season of pressure and persecution.
CP2025: Our Five-Year Vision Update
An update on the current progress of our work.
Saturday, November 5 @ 8:30am
Welcome & Worship
Looking Forward to 2023
What is next for China Partnership?
We Pray & Encourage Together
A time of prayer together, as well as updates on how we can partner by praying in 2023.
We Give Together
An update on our financial needs and how we can partner by giving in 2023.
We Learn Together
An interview on content and China, as well as an update on how we can partner by learning in 2023.
*If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out:
Matt Mills
Communications Director