Serving the Church in China Together
We are in a season of wilderness. Activity is increasing in China, and yet the pressure on the church is also growing worse. Yet it is precisely in this moment that God continues to act.
Come learn about the state of the church in China, hear from Chinese believers, pray together, and be equipped to serve the church in China together in 2023.
Time & Place
November 4 @ 3pm EST
to November 5 @ 1pm EST
Church of the Redeemer
5185 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd,
Atlanta, GA 30342
We will be meeting in the Commons.
If you are driving, here are instructions for reaching the church: after turning off Peachtree Dunwoody Road into the entrance for Church of the Redeemer, follow the one-way driveway into the main parking lot. You may either park there or continue on around the church and park along the south side of the property across from the Commons. Enter the Commons through the double glass doors that you see to the left of the playground.
PLEASE NOTE: not only is there road construction taking place at the church entrance on Peachtree Dunwoody Rd., but there is also major road construction happening on I 285 and Georgia 400 that can affect travel times and exits commonly used to reach Redeemer. Do what the locals do and consult your favorite map app for directions. Here is the address:
From the airport:
It’s possible to take Uber or Lyft from the airport, but it is expensive and can be complicated with construction. The easiest way to get to the hotel from the airport is the take the MARTA (Atlanta’s public transportation train). There is a station in the airport itself.
To take the train once you get to the airport, simply head to the MARTA station directly behind the baggage claim area, up an escalator. Follow signs for ground transportation to reach it. Take the Red Line to the Dunwoody stop (you can purchase a one-way ticket, called a Breeze ticket, for $2.50). On the train platform, you’ll see a sign that says “North Springs to Downtown” with a red circle beside it. This is the train you want. The trip should be about an hour, and there are maps in the train cars. They will also announce the stops.
Once you get to the Dunwoody station, you’ll need to take an Uber or a Lyft to the hotel. Google Maps says that it is possible to walk to the hotel, but the walk is along the shoulder of a very busy road, so we wouldn’t recommend it.
Between the hotel and the church:
The distance between the Hilton Garden Inn and Church of the Redeemer is only a short 10-minute drive. Taking an Uber or Lyft is the easiest and cheapest way to get from one to the other.
We will be providing dinner on November 4th as well as lunch on November 5th. We will not be providing a full breakfast on the morning of November 5th, but we will have Einstein’s Bagels available. If you are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn, breakfast is included with your stay.
We are not requiring that you wear a mask during our time together, but please be mindful of those who are wearing masks or who want to be careful. Consider wearing a mask if you are seated next to someone who is also wearing one. If you are sick, we would ask that you stay home (and get some rest!).
If you do have symptoms of COVD-19, please take a COVID test before attending the meeting. We recommend following the CDC guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at
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