Why China?
China has the potential to become a nation greatly shaped by the redemptive grace of Christ. It has the potential to be next great cultural center of the gospel.
Now is the time to devote our lives to the gospel capturing the Chinese mind and heart for the glory of our resurrected Lord.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ have eternal implications for humankind, and for all of creation. It is this message that will redeem God’s people and generate genuine Christ-followers. It has the power to transform neighborhoods and cities, and to renew the culture. It will establish strong counter-cultural, yet culturally literate, life-giving, and grace-centered churches. It is this big, cosmic, eschatological gospel that the Chinese people need to hear as they go through a time of cultural reconstruction.
Change and transformation must start from God’s people and flow out from this kingdom of heaven on earth. We pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected would capture the hearts of the Chinese. It may take a hundred years, but we look to Christ in hopeful expectation that he will renew China as a people after his own heart.