Loving the City by Living the Life of the Cross
Saturday, June 1st, 2019 at 18:00
Aberdeen Marina Club
8 Shum Wan Rd.
Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Registration is free. Dinner is provided.
If you have any questions please email info@chinapartnership.org
Join us over dinner to hear about China Partnership’s work in China and to learn from the Chinese church’s understanding of its role in the city. The Chinese church is the fastest growing church in the world; it also has a long history of enduring persecution. Intersect these realities with China’s rapid urbanization and we discover fertile ground for the development of a theology devoted to serving the city without angling for cultural dominance. Come hear Chinese pastors address:
Why is living out a theology of the cross central to the Christian experience?
Is it possible for the church to confidently evangelize urban centers from the cultural margins?
What does it look like to love the city with relevance while facing active political persecution?