Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 5: “I Expect God to Use It”

My passion is to walk with other people and be an instrument of healing for other people. I know most Chinese have similar family wounds. That affects their relationship with their spouse, with God, with their children, all of it. I expect God to use it—somewhere.
Friday Reflection – This Orthodoxy Concerns Life and Death

A theological vision helps us build a lively and motivated orthodoxy – that is, if you understand that this orthodoxy concerns life and death, and if you understand its preciousness, it will become the driving force in your life.
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 4: “I Think You Should Do Full-Time Ministry”

I realized it is all the Spirit’s work, it has nothing to do with me. But how exciting to be the person, to be the tool, in the middle of this process. I thought, “I can share the gospel with people. God can use me, and it doesn’t have to be too complicated.”
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 1: “A Series of Separations”

When my mom and dad came to get me after two years, they were like strangers to me. I didn’t know them and called them “uncle” and “auntie.” I still remember leaving on the train with them. I was really excited in the daytime, but when night came, I said, “I want to go home.” Gradually I realized I was not going to go home; the train just kept going.
Friday Reflection – The Reason for Gospel Renewal

What kind of person experiences the deepest rest and edification from tasting the grace of the gospel? I must say it is those who have suffered the most in a culture of legalism.