The Voice of Chinese Sisters: “The Lord Suffers With Us”

The Lord sanctifies us through his Word, the Spirit, and the Church. God tells us to care for one another, encourage one another, build one another up, love one another, and exhort one another. We need others to help us when we are weak, and we need their counsel when we are prideful. We usually react in two ways to suffering: either we are extremely weak and discouraged, exposing our true nature, or we might think we are strong and consequently look down on others, judging them and feeling self-righteous in our heart. While the Spirit can give us supernatural peace, God prefers to comfort and help us through our brothers and sisters whom we can see. This is because when we love one another, others will recognize that we are his disciples.
The Voice of Chinese Sisters: Planting a Chinese House Church

The greatest need for church planting anywhere is the mission of the gospel and a passion for ministry. When we truly know God and the gospel and the mission that comes with it, a passion will be kindled in us through the love we receive. This passion will create desire for more people to know God, for more people to have the opportunity to worship where there are no such opportunities. This naturally develops into a church-planting ministry. The first great need is truly knowing what the gospel is.
The Voice of Chinese Sisters: “Prayer Gave Me the Opportunity to Go on an Adventurous Journey with God”

The Lord helped me put what I learned into practice when I was detained for thirty days… During the first three days that I spent at the detention center, I had high hopes that God would deliver me and that I would be able to leave after a few days. But when I finally received a note that said that I would at least be detained for a month, I made my peace…Praying the Lord’s Prayer really helped me recognize who I was and what God’s will for me was in placing me in that situation.
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 5: “I Expect God to Use It”

My passion is to walk with other people and be an instrument of healing for other people. I know most Chinese have similar family wounds. That affects their relationship with their spouse, with God, with their children, all of it. I expect God to use it—somewhere.
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 4: “I Think You Should Do Full-Time Ministry”

I realized it is all the Spirit’s work, it has nothing to do with me. But how exciting to be the person, to be the tool, in the middle of this process. I thought, “I can share the gospel with people. God can use me, and it doesn’t have to be too complicated.”
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 3: “I Was Not an Orphan Anymore”

It was a step of faith to decide not to worry about the future, about China. I thought, “God is the ruler of the universe, and he’ll protect me. Christ died for me on the cross. If I don’t receive that gift, that is the ultimate insult to him. How can I not love him?”
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 2: “I Wanted to Leave a Mark”

As I was searching for my life, I took philosophy classes as an elective. We studied modern philosophy, and they all said there is no purpose to the universe; you must make your own purpose. That depressed me even more. I was seeking, really, for eternal life.
Seeking for Eternal Life, Part 1: “A Series of Separations”

When my mom and dad came to get me after two years, they were like strangers to me. I didn’t know them and called them “uncle” and “auntie.” I still remember leaving on the train with them. I was really excited in the daytime, but when night came, I said, “I want to go home.” Gradually I realized I was not going to go home; the train just kept going.
Mutual Forgiveness Is Critical for Healthy Churches

When we are willing to remove the cultural hindrances, obey God’s teachings, and enforce discipline in the church, we will clean away all the “leaven” from us, so that the church can become a holy offering presented to God.
People Can Only Feel Loved When They Know They Are Forgiven

When I learned that the Son of God died on the cross for me and God was willing to pay such a huge price to save me, I truly experienced forgiveness from God. As a result, I gradually sensed the freedom and liberation in God. I began to appreciate the dignity and glory that God gave to humans along with the authority that God gave to his children.