Kunming: Reaching Out to Ethnic Minorities

Editor’s note: Yunnan Province, where Kunming is located, is well-known for being full of ethnic minorities. These people have their own unique cultures, languages, and ways of dress. Some ethnic minorities are fairly acculturated, and live in ways similar to their Han Chinese peers. But a great many other minority peoples live according to customs […]
How Our Church Prays

Editor’s note: In 2025, China Partnership will spend another year praying for Chinese cities. As we prepare our hearts for prayer, a house church pastor shares how his church has tried to implement this sort of prayer. In addition to methods that might be familiar in the West, such as understanding the beauty and idols […]
The Immigrant Church…in Southeast Asia: Part 2

Editor’s note: As more and more Chinese leave the country, they are not only moving to the U.S. or Western countries. Many Chinese are settling in other Asian countries, places not so far from their original home, countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and other southeast Asian destinations. Among the current diaspora are many Christians, […]
The Immigrant Church…in Southeast Asia: Part 1

Editor’s note: As more and more Chinese leave the country, they are not only moving to the U.S. or Western countries. Many Chinese are settling in other Asian countries, places not so far from their original home, countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and other southeast Asian destinations. Among the current diaspora are many Christians, […]
Church and the War Between the Sexes

Editor’s note: In the last months, especially following the election in the U.S., there have been several stories in Western media about women who are refusing to date or marry men. But this trend didn’t originate in America. There are larger currents at work here; the movement calling for women to spurn men began in […]
Guangzhou: Raising Gospel Soldiers

Editor’s note: Happy Thanksgiving! Today we are re-publishing a 2018 interview with a Chinese pastor in Guangzhou. He believes the church can primarily influence its city by holding fast to and sharing the truth. As people come to believe the truth, the church is to disciple and train believers to serve others by living a […]
Money, Power, and Sex

Editor’s note: An urban house church pastor speaks frankly about human nature, the necessity of relying on the Holy Spirit as he navigates complicated church-state relations, and a God-centered approach to ministry. Sinful Human Proclivities People are sinners. They have tendencies towards atheism, pantheism, and polytheism. Humans also have tendencies toward relativism, secularism, and pluralism. […]
Reformation and Gospel (With Chinese Characteristics)

Editor’s note: October 31, 2024, marks the 507th anniversary of the day in 1517 when Martin Luther, a German monk, nailed 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church. With his bold hammering, Luther began a revolution in the church that has lasted to this day. Although the Chinese house church has in some […]
The J-Curve: Suffering Because Of Sin

Editor’s note: What does “dying and rising with Jesus” look like? J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life, a 2019 book by Paul Miller, seeks to answer that question. Today we are continuing our series on the J-Curve through a conversation with Lily, a Chinese Christian leader. She continues our earlier conversation on […]
The J-Curve: Suffering with Jesus

Editor’s note: What does “dying and rising with Jesus” look like? J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life, a 2019 book by Paul Miller, seeks to answer that question. Today we are continuing our series on the J-Curve through a conversation with Lily, a Chinese Christian leader. This interview has been edited for […]