Interview with a Foshan Prayer Leader – Impossible with Men, Possible with God

I think it is because of God’s passion, rather than our passion for China, that God is transforming China through his gospel and through the death and resurrection of his son… Prayer can effect continual change on our spiritual environment, and the gospel can reach any part of this nation.
Interview with a Foshan Pastor – A Gospel Vacuum

The gospel shows me the reason: no culture, no king, no institution can save this country. Like economic prosperity, these are all temporary, and they will all pass away. The gospel shows me that we have suffered so because we are a group of people who, out of our fear of death, live our whole lives enslaved by sin. We cannot pull ourselves out of the mire of sin and death. The gospel shows me that only Jesus is the one King with whom God is pleased. He is the one Prophet that proclaims the truth, the one Priest who offered himself up as the sacrifice for sin. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; he is our hope.